The Gift of Encouragement
A gift of encouragement? My mother-in-law’s life has been one of love and kindness and service, a gift of encouragement to all.
A gift of encouragement? My mother-in-law’s life has been one of love and kindness and service, a gift of encouragement to all.
Last weekend my husband, Kurt, and I celebrated 40 years of marriage. Knowing I wanted to talk about us this week and knowing I wanted to share his thoughts, I asked him, “Kurt, when you think about our time together,
This is a story I don’t love. Even though this is a story about what he did, this is not a message about guilt or innocence, but one of God’s love.
Missteps are always hard to talk about. Hearing “You’re forgiven” is a blessing–at all times, in every way. Grace alone!
Are you able to see God in the details? I was at a memorial service and God was never mentioned. Nope, not once. But he was everywhere!
When we walk the WOLK, when we walk the words of loving kindness, we get to share God’s love, joy, peace, and hope. We’re part of a divine regifting strategy. Yes, divine regifting.
How do you stay connected in your walk with God–your W-A-L-K, not your W-O-L-K? I’m especially thinking about when you’re in the moment. Who has God placed in your life for those times of celebration? Those times of challenge?
I’ve had a life of stumbles—as a child, as a young adult, just last week. But our walk with God is not about what we do. It’s about what God’s does in, through, and around all of us. He directs
Words of loving kindness are easy when life is easy. They’re not so easy when life gets hard. Not every conversation is a time of great joy. Some discussions are harder than others and words of loving kindness are harder.
As a woman of faith, do you think about being bold and brave in being you? Do you ever use the words “bold” and “brave” to describe yourself? As a woman of faith, I’m going to be so bold and
I love helping women of faith connect our delightfully ordinary stories to God’s extraordinary love and faithfulness. I pray our time together will encourage and empower you. As you know, God’s been in the details of our life–always has been, always will be. Let’s keep in touch.