Category: Fave Lifestyles


I forgot the words!

During these pandemic times, I’ve faltered in ways not expected, never imagined! Monday night I forgot the words to the Lord’s Prayer. Yes, the Lord’s Prayer.

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Loud Laughter

Laughter! Loud!

Got laughter? Got loud? Got loud laughter? “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad.” (Psalm 118:24)

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Finding Gratitude in Change

Life’s uncertainties and unknowns will continue–even after the pandemic. What is certain is God’s love and faithfulness, His insistence on being with us, His attention to the details of our life.

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Finding Unexpected Joy

I’ve only known Heather for two months. Actually it’s really only been six weeks. She was a guest on our Fave Lifestyles show, The Purple Couch, a conversation that inspired me in many ways.

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