God’s Value Proposition
Last week Jeff Bezos shared a value proposition, what some have called a brutal truth: Create more than you consume. Thinking about the past year and our bigger walk with God, I wondered if his comments had any application to
Last week Jeff Bezos shared a value proposition, what some have called a brutal truth: Create more than you consume. Thinking about the past year and our bigger walk with God, I wondered if his comments had any application to
Last week I talked about my son’s friend, a young man who’s a felon. When I finished filming, I immediately had a moment. Should I have said he was an ex-felon? I googled the question: “Felon or ex-felon?” and learned
My son Kyle met his friend at the gym. They’d bonded over tattoos and weightlifting equipment. Over time, while spotting each other, while doing whatever weightlifting guys do, Kyle learned a lot about his friend. “It’s an amazing story, Mom.”
I’m not always not at my finest. During COVID, we’ve all tried to navigate our new normal, respecting the restrictions put into place for our safety and the safety of others, but one Monday I was over it. When I
God’s love celebrates with us. His love also gives us refuge when life happens, when life gets smaller, when uncertainty abounds and grief intrudes.
Have you ever felt like a bit player in God’s story? That person with a minor, unimportant, unimpressive role? And not just minor, unimportant, and unimpressive, but someone whose scenes should be cut entirely and left on the editing room’s
Social media has given us wonderful opportunities to connect as God’s people. Social media can also highlight differences, promote divisions. This is a cautionary tale about our words and the timing of our words. Yes, there is a time for
Are you able to let God be God? Too often I refuse to let God be God. Too often I discount God’s will, His way, and His when, thinking I know best. Stuck in traffic last week, I told myself
Watch for God’s loving kindness in the smallest moments and also the bigger ones, the harder ones, and even the ones that pinch.
When we “walk the WOLK,” when we walk God’s words of loving kindness, we have the opportunity to step into the moment in a very special way.
I love helping women of faith connect our delightfully ordinary stories to God’s extraordinary love and faithfulness. I pray our time together will encourage and empower you. As you know, God’s been in the details of our life–always has been, always will be. Let’s keep in touch.