What's Real

What’s Real and What’s True

A FAVE Lifestyles “Girlfriends Inspired by God” Devotional

“And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.”

Isaiah 30:21

What’s Real and What’s True in the World

As some of you may know, I manage a financial planning practice, and during my time working with clients, we’ve experienced a few market corrections.

Clients hate corrections. Corrections are uncomfortable. They can be scary.

But corrections help the financial world reset. If a particular sector is out of whack, the market will figure it out. If a particular company is overpriced, the market will figure it out. If the earnings are not there, the market will react.

The market always figures out what’s real and what’s true.

What’s Real and What’s True in Our Relationships

Last month we talked about how God can stretch us when we say yes to Him. I used a couple examples from a Beth Moore conference I attended with Michol. In a lighter moment a few days later, Michol nicely explained where I’d been off in my retelling of Beth’s message. We giggled.

I treasure my friendship with Michol because she will always help me figure out what’s real and what’s true—whether I’m regaling you all with conference highlights or connecting to what’s most important in the moment. She’s Chapter 12 in my book, Bouquet of Wisdom.

What’s Real and What’s True in Our Personal Life

A month ago, I got hearing aids. In an instant my world got loud. I’m hearing things I’ve not heard in a long time. I hear the water going down the drain, the clicks of the keys on my keyboard, conversations in a crowded room. I hear the birds chirping, leaves rustling, bees buzzing.

When I saw the audiologist on Friday, she reminded me that I’m hearing EVERYTHING right now. As my brain adjusts, it will figure out what sounds are important and what sounds aren’t. Eventually my brain will know what sounds to focus on and what sounds can be ignored. In the meantime, I hear EVERYTHING!

What’s Real and What’s True in Our Walk with God

When we walk with God, He will always connect us with what’s real and what’s true—in the world, in our relationships, in our personal life. Some days He will direct us; other days He will redirect us.

Powerful messages surround us. Lots of great advice shows up in our newsfeed. I’m sure we’ve all had great coaches and great coaching in our life.

Our challenge is to find God in those details, so we can respond to not just to our calling, but His calling. And that’s important, because we want to keep track of what’s real and what’s true, God’s reality, God’s truth.

At FAVE Lifestyles, I have the joy of leading a monthly devotional. We got together because the founder, Karen Rae wanted to stay connected with what’s real and what’s true in her walk of faith. And this Fave G.I.G. (Girlfriends Inspired by God) gives us a chance to remain real and true in our walks together.

“And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,“This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.”

Isaiah 30:21

The particular verse is part of a very harsh rebuke. God’s people are doin’ their own thing once again, carrying out plans that are not God’s plans, making alliances that are not done in God’s Spirit, seeking refuge from Pharaoh, not from God.

It’s easy to think, “People, what are you doing!?”

And then I’m reminded of the plans I’ve made that were not God’s plans, things I’ve said and done that were not godly. The times I’ve sought refuge in food, not God. It makes my stomach hurt.

But we have a God who refuses to give up on us, Who will always have a word for us, Who will always show us the way we should go. And now that I have hearing aids, my ears will hear even more clearly!

Listen for God. Listen for His encouragement in the words of a friend. Experience His direction when you just “know.” Find new direction when you’re stuck and uncertain, challenged or mistaken.

And then write it down as it happens. When we see God in the details, we’re better able to step into the unknown with clarity and confidence. And a giggle or two.

Deanna is the author of three books, Fruit of My Spirit, Signs in Life, and Bouquet of Wisdom, all available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Deanna Nowadnick author

Hi, I'm Deanna

I am a writer and speaker who loves helping women of faith connect our delightfully ordinary stories to God’s extraordinary love and faithfulness, so we can be encouraged and empowered knowing God’s been in the details–always has been, always will be.

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