My Blog

Life is not perfect

Kintsugi Beauty

Life is not perfect, but I continue to insist that it can be, that I can make it so, that I can be. And when I do that, I discount the many blessing that surround me.

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Life’s Non-Negotiables

Do you have any non-negotiables in your day? I’ve tried to be careful about have-to’s. For me, they can quickly lead to the planning of a pity party. But this year, I’ve got three non-negotiables that have been bright moments

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Being You

Be Bold. Be Brave. Be You. (Part 1)

As a woman of faith, do you think about being bold and brave in being you? Do you ever use the words “bold” and “brave” to describe yourself? I’m going to be so bold and so brave as to say

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God's Light

Shining God’s Light

This is often that special time of year when we ring in the new year and put away the Christmas decorations. But even after the lights come down, God’s light continues on—not in the light of things, but in His

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Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift

The manger scene caught all of humankind by surprise. And unbeknownst to us at the time, we would find ourselves in the presence of the greatest gift, one not imagined, not expected. Perfect.

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Divine Regifting

Divine Regifting

In today’s “Morning WOLK with God,” I celebrate God’s gifts of love, joy, peace, and hope. When we “walk the WOLK,” when we walk God’s words of loving kindness, we’re part of a divine regifting strategy. Yes, divine regifting!

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