
Finding Stillness

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

Psalm 46:10 (ESV)


What do you think of when you think of stillness? An uncomfortable void that needs to be filled? Something you’re waiting for in your next life? says this phrase “be still” is a Hebrew term which can be translated as “relax,” “let go,” or “stop.” It implies an act of surrender, a release of striving and hostility.

Last month I had the joy of speaking at a Best Practices in Ministry conference in Phoenix. As you know, I’m a passionate advocate for storytelling, extraordinary storytelling, and this was an opportunity to speak with pastors and church leaders, sharing ways in which to help their churches, schools, and small groups get their stories told. For months I thought through my presentation, my handouts, my slides. I practiced and practiced and practiced. Out loud. It went well.

Flying home, I found myself sitting across the aisle from another conference presenter, another passionate advocate for storytelling. We regaled each other with the opportunities we’d been given to share our stories and to help others tell their stories. We even talked about collaborating on future endeavors.

And then the next day, a memory popped up on FB, a video I’d filmed about the importance of listening, of being quiet. The timing of the post was not lost on me.

What happens when we relax, let go, and stop? When we surrender? When we let go of the striving? The drive to do: do more, do better, do again? Why does God want that for us?

Where can you find stillness in your day?

Deanna is a writer and speaker. Her books are available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Deanna Nowadnick author

Hi, I'm Deanna

I am a writer and speaker who loves helping women of faith connect our delightfully ordinary stories to God’s extraordinary love and faithfulness, so we can be encouraged and empowered knowing God’s been in the details–always has been, always will be.

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