Are you crushing it?
Are you crushing it? Are we supposed to be? This is that time of year when great resolves and wonderful goals can start to feel crunched, not crushed.
Are you crushing it? Are we supposed to be? This is that time of year when great resolves and wonderful goals can start to feel crunched, not crushed.
Did you travel over the holidays? For many, it’s a “planes, trains, and automobiles” time of year. Any travel plans for the new year? Travels with God?
Have you ever said, “Let it be, God, according to Your word”? In a prayer? Out loud?
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah
God’s love is our stake in the ground. His people are the crossbars of support in our life. The cross reminds us of both!
Last week my friend sent a text regarding a devotional she’d just read. It talked about our preparing versus letting God handle it.
My grandson Enzo notices the details. I want to notice the details too. And more specifically, I want to notice God in the details.
How can we make sure our labels bring us together as God’s people in God’s family? How can we make sure those labels remain inclusive, not exclusive?
When we walk with God, He will always connect us with what’s real and what’s true—in the world, in our relationships, in our personal life. Some days He will direct us; other days He will redirect us.
I love helping women of faith connect our delightfully ordinary stories to God’s extraordinary love and faithfulness. I pray our time together will encourage and empower you. As you know, God’s been in the details of our life–always has been, always will be. Let’s keep in touch.